K42 Disk
Ride On Floor ScrubbersTank Capacity: Sol: 40gal | Rec: 42gal
Cleaning Path: 28 - 32in
Run Time: Up to 4 hours
Say goodbye to the hassle of cleaning big messes by hand AND on foot. Look no further than the K42 Disk Ride-On Floor Scrubber. This remarkable machine is ideal for old buildings with uneven floors, the Disk Scrub Deck has a natural gimble and will meet your mess head on without missing a beat. Handmade in the USA, the steel frame is as tough as the country that inspired it. It was important to create a budget-conscious machine and the K42 is a testament to that. Throw away the cheap imports and upgrade to the American K42 Ride-On Disk Floor Scrubber today!
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